Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6 weeks

Almost. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. That's close enough, right? Please say yes because I just can't be 5 weeks anymore. I can't believe how slow time is moving. I'm literally counting down the hours until my U/S on Friday. 40 hours from right now.

I want to be able to just enjoy being pregnant. This is what I wanted for so long. I just can't get over the fear. So far everything has been good. In fact, I've never got this far before without having any spotting or bleeding. I'm happy about that. And I'm not stressing over my progesterone levels anymore. I'm not going to put much stock in the numbers anymore. As long as everything is progressing right on schedule according to the U/S's and I'm not having any spotting, then every thing's OK. Right?

If only I could just snap my fingers and it would be August. But then I would have missed my pregnant summer. Damn. Why do I want to wish away what should be a happy time that we'll always remember? Why can't I just be happy and pregnant and enjoy my last summer without children? (Hopefully) My experiences have taken the fun out of everything for me.

In baby news, our embryo is now the size of a pea, about a 1/4 inch long. It has nostrils and the skeleton is formed. The appendix is in place and intestines are developing. At this point, brain hemispheres have formed and brain waves can be recorded. The heart has four separate chambers and the heartbeat will soon become more regular. And baby's first movements will happen this week. Obviously we won't actually be able to detect any movement for several more weeks, but it's happening!

I hope it is anyway. I hope I'm not attributing all these things to an empty uterus.

1 comment:

  1. I ummm... felt like T1 was SO SLOW!! And then after that it is fast- I think after m/cs the fear of T1 is ALWAYS there!! I still worry that something in there is wrong!

    Sorry I guess I am no help what so ever!!
